DS al coda not working as expected

• Mar 23, 2025 - 17:56

Hi there you guys.
What I expected from DS al coda in a pattern like this:
||: Segno | | | :|| | | | |coda | DS al coda|codab | | | ||

was to play
A 2X
then B
then C
at DS al coda returns to segno
A 2X
then B
ignore C
jumb to D

Do I have it right?
No matter what I have tried always plays C. Is it something I am doing wrong or is it a Musescore bug?
Here is a file with the structure I 've mention earlier.

Any ideas will be greatly appreciated

Attachment Size
DS al coda problem.mscz 20.27 KB


In reply to by mettadesigngr

But of course!
You have in measure 8 the “D.S. al Coda.”
And you have in measure 7 the “To Coda” that should be in measure 6! That takes the leap from the end of measure 6 to the D part on the second pass.
I just replaced your (first) coda sign with “To Coda” without changing its function.
Personally, I don't like it when you use the same sign as the jump instruction and the jump destination.

In reply to by mettadesigngr

Normally the repeats are not played - as a musician understands it.
If you want the repeats to be played, you must set the checkbox “Play repeats” in the properties of the "D.S. al Coda". You should then change the text to “D.S. al Coda con. rep.” - for the musicians.
This is not a property of "To Coda"!

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