Lates update issues

• Mar 24, 2025 - 16:35

Re – the latest update: I find the new pop up menu for drum kit to be really annoying and unnecessary. Personally I found nothing wrong with the old system and made lots of drum parts using it.

Secondly there seems to be a strange bug for moving staff text around where instead of being able to move it slightly up or down, it just wants to jump all around the page from system to system and it's very hard to make minor adjustments to where text is without that glitch happening.


The new percussion system is much much much more efficient, so I definitely recommend spending a few minutes learning to use it - check out the chapter in the online handbook. For example, only a single click is needed to enter notes, plus you can click any line or space in the score to enter directly there, and you can set as many shortcuts as you like, and set the penale to only open on command (and you'll find you don't even need it 90% of the time).

As for the glitch with dragging text - hold Alt to keep MuseScore from trying to re-anchor your text while dragging. Or better, use the keyboard rather that dragging - much more precise.

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