Release 4.5.1
I downloaded 4.5.1 today. Now: some measures will display a red box around the measure and insert extra rests at the end of the measure. Measure is designated 4/4 time. extra rests do not disappear as they should when the rest of the measure is correct. (See measure 40).
If needed; I could drop back to 4.5 but instructions are vague on doing this.
Attachment | Size |
Love Me 4 staff.mscz | 124.01 KB |
It openes just fine in 4.5.1 on Windows, no red box anywhere.
Measure 40 is longer than the time signature asks for, denoted by a small + in the upper right corner, its actual diration is 9/8.
There's a trailing 8th rest in staves 1, 2 and 3, but not in 4, that does seem to have an extra 8th note between the 1st and 2nd triplet
Measure 4, 6, 43, 45 do have similar issues.
It does stem from a MusicXML import, so please share that file. Is it the result of a PDF import?
None of this is raleted to 4.5.1 in any form or shape.
Same thing happened to me also only after updating bar propeties are 4/4 as it should be and I don't have a "+" denoting that the actual value of beats contained in the measure was changed.
It subtracted a 16th note for me tho.
For me a restart of musescore without saving the changes fixed it though
In reply to Same thing happened to me… by minionmax
See See How to fix MuseScore 4 corrupted files and How to fix a score that contains corruptions if the score is corrupt (and being reported as such).
A + sign doesn't mean that it corrupt, just that a measure is longer than what the time sig wants it to be. And a - sign means that it shorter than what the time sig wants it to be. Both is legal.
Check measure properties, correct it there, if need be (and loose the excess notes/rests or gain extra rests)
In reply to See See How to fix MuseScore… by Jojo-Schmitz
My point was that for me measure properties was untouched and that there was no change to the nominal value of the time signature whatsoever (not indicated by a plus or minus or in measure properties)
The file is also not corrupted or reported by musescore as such
In reply to My point was that for me… by minionmax
So what's your problem then?
In reply to So what's your problem then? by Jojo-Schmitz
For me restarting musescore without saving the document was a fix.
But I believe the issue remains, so I wanted to report that I encountered the same to help the community :)
In short:
Without changing anything in bar properties or using insert input mode, the nominal value of the bar was changed and then boxed in red on the one affected stave.
As to why I have no idea, but restarting and not saving fixed this for me.
In case it's relavant: For me this happened on a percussion stave which has had a lot of changes the past versions. It doesn't seem this is the case for everyone though...
Just trying to help! :)
I have red boxes all over, and my score is odd. If I print to pdf, it prints fine. If I try to publish it, it says to contact everyone here. Also, the measures do not break properly on the right side of the page. Is this an issue with the current version I downloaded? I did not see this before. I was using v3.0 I cant find a solution to this, which has created a mess and wasted my time. Would it better to go back to Version 3.0 and start over as its pobbibly corrupted XML file, according to Jojo and I have to wonder if this is the new version causing this? I note Repair Assist is no help .
In reply to I have red boxes all over,… by martinnewbold
It most certainly isn't an issue with the MuseScore version but with the unbelievable bad XML file that score stems from.
In reply to It most certainly isn't an… by Jojo-Schmitz
I think deny deny, Look at the first page; it looks properly formatted in 3. On the latest version, the bar ends are wrong; it puts red boxes around things. 3 says is ok; this has to be your latest version. Anyway, must get on.
In reply to I think deny deny, Look at… by martinnewbold
I tried importing the MusicXML in Mu3 too and there too is was an holy mess.
But Mu3 doesn't check for corruption on upload (actually there the upload is completely broken)
In reply to I tried importing the… by Jojo-Schmitz
Well, I know what's going on with your import—it's not importing the song correctly, missing notes and other elements. If your software is causing this issue, I saved the file and imported it to MuseScore with red marks on it, and presto, it uploaded fine on the site.
Now, the next song is even worse; you're missing notes and other details, and the software is incorrectly flagging errors. I believe your import process is flawed (foo bar), as the file uploaded correctly here:
Since the score is functioning as expected on MuseScore, the problem lies within your software’s import process. Please investigate this issue to determine why it's failing to correctly import note sequences, as this problem does not occur anywhere else.
In reply to I tried importing the… by Jojo-Schmitz
I attempted to edit the song score by transferring it from the online score version to the new local software, but the software places red marks over the file, stating it is corrupted. This occurs even though the file plays perfectly in the software.
Clearly, there is an issue with OS: Windows 11 Version 2009 or later, Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore Studio version (64-bit): 4.5.1-250800846, revision: 603eca8, which is causing these problems on Microsoft Windows 11.
I also note that your software does not properly read lyrics at the end of the file or guitar tab. It states that it cannot process them and places frames at the end of the file, as it doesn’t know what to do with them—frames that can be removed manually. This is clearly an issue, as when attempting to edit this document (or any other) in the latest version of your software, it applies red marks over the file and claims it is corrupt, when in reality, it is not.