Guitar string numbers - why no drag out bracket? (like the position number in roman numerals have)

• Mar 25, 2025 - 04:41

I realise the drag out string numbers are probably found in the "Lines" palette, but why don't the drag out brackets exist as an adaption to the symbol in the "Guitar" palette like the Roman Numerals have "VII"?
See picture for example of both...

Attachment Size
MS Guitar Fingering Brackets.pdf 272.33 KB


They do. It's the same symbol. Select a range of notes. (Click the first; Ctrl+click the last.) Then click that line with the Roman numerals. Now, click on the line itself. Then go to the Properties tab (upper left) and under Text line / Text, change the "VII" to "7" ... or whatever other number you want. Be aware that this symbol has no effect on playback.

If you want the guitar to actually change pitch, as if you applied a capo, use the Capo tool, also in the Guitar palette. You can explicitly change the text it displays too, by checking the box.

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