corrupted score
It tells me my score is corrected, but it's not. You are reporting missing signaturesbut they are at the start of the piece of music :
Incomplete measure: Full score, measure 6, staff 5. Found: 5/4. Expected: 4/4.
Incomplete measure: Full score, measure 12, staff 5. Found: 26/16. Expected: 4/4.
Incomplete measure: Full score, measure 22, staff 5. Found: 30/16. Expected: 4/4.
Incomplete measure: Full score, measure 27, staff 5. Found: 26/16. Expected: 4/4.
Incomplete measure: Full score, measure 28, staff 5. Found: 30/16. Expected: 4/4.
Incomplete measure: Full score, measure 29, staff 5. Found: 19/16. Expected: 4/4.
Incomplete measure: Full score, measure 30, staff 5. Found: 26/16. Expected: 4/4.
Incomplete measure: Full score, measure 33, staff 5. Found: 30/16. Expected: 4/4.
Incomplete measure: Full score, measure 34, staff 5. Found: 14/8. Expected: 4/4.
Incomplete measure: Full score, measure 35, staff 5. Found: 15/8. Expected: 4/4.
Incomplete measure: Full score, measure 36, staff 5. Found: 30/16. Expected: 4/4.
Incomplete measure: Full score, measure 49, staff 5. Found: 15/8. Expected: 4/4.
Incomplete measure: Full score, measure 62, staff 5. Found: 11/8. Expected: 4/4.
Incomplete measure: Full score, measure 70, staff 5. Found: 15/8. Expected: 4/4.
Incomplete measure: Full score, measure 74, staff 5. Found: 10/8. Expected: 4/4.
Incomplete measure: Full score, measure 75, staff 5. Found: 18/16. Expected: 4/4.
Attachment | Size |
Precious Moments.mscz | 135.82 KB |
See How to fix MuseScore 4 corrupted files and How to fix a score that contains corruptions
I added time signatures, and this didn't solve this. I'm a bit stuck now. Also, I have some curly brackets that I wanted to duplicate and put instructions for Vocal Piano, Acoustic Guitar, and Drums in. Can anyone be so kind to help Thanks.
In reply to I added time signatures, and… by martinnewbold
Adding time signatures is not the way to fix this, check the Howtos above
Measure 6, staff 5 indeed has a quarter note too much:
The other measures that report talks about have similar issues, just not that ovious
In reply to Measure 6, staff 5 indeed… by Jojo-Schmitz
Squiggly bracket It's supposed to be on the second two for piano. I am trying to run Repair Assistant, but it won't run. I must not be doing something correct. Thanks Jojo but this is the first time I have had this.
In reply to It's supposed to be on the… by martinnewbold
As said elsethread: the repair assistent plugin probably stopped working with MuseScore 4.4, loike very many other plugins.
The Howtos mention various other methods.
The score stems from a musicXML import, so please share the source file
It doesn't have a 2nd Piano, none with 2 staves at least
In reply to The score stems from a… by Jojo-Schmitz
It didn't import the tab either or the lyrics. I did a lot of work on this, trying to repair it I can't ditch this one at this point.
It's supposed to have vocals, piano, acoustic guitar+tab, and drums.
In reply to It didn't import the tab… by martinnewbold
What software created this messy musicxml file?
In reply to What software created this… by Jojo-Schmitz
Um, it came in from the midi portanda I have with Excelant Focusrite. I am not sure I cant remember the name; its been a while. I cant remember, as it was a few months ago when I went in to Crescedo Ok, just not MusicXML
In reply to Um it came in from the midi… by martinnewbold
Better complain to them, that musicxml is really pretty useless
In reply to It didn't import the tab… by martinnewbold
MuseScore reports lots of corruptions (a lot more than in the in initial post) on import of that musicxml
In reply to MuseScore repports lots of… by Jojo-Schmitz
Yes, I had to delete a lot of mess at the end really went foobar. I am stuck with what I have now. There must be some way to remove the mess it created but it wont let me change the red boxes or remove them
In reply to Yes, I had to delete a lot… by martinnewbold
Insert a new measure before or after the corrupt ones (pessing "Ins", re-enter the notes as they should be, delete the corrupt measure (pressing "Ctrl+Del").
Leather, rinse, repeat...
In reply to Insert a new measure before… by Jojo-Schmitz
That might be the problem—I don't have INS on my keyboard!
In reply to That might be the problem—I… by martinnewbold
I tried right-clicking, but it puts a measure on every part! not just what i am trying to clear the mess up with this ight because i dont have ins
In reply to I tried right-clicking, but… by martinnewbold
I guess its not solvable in MusicXML is there some other software I could get to help?
In reply to I guess its not solvable in… by martinnewbold
For what exactly? Convertible PDFs to MusicXML?
In reply to That might be the problem—I… by martinnewbold
Check the handbook, there's also other shortcuts and menu entries for this
In reply to Insert a new measure before… by Jojo-Schmitz
The odd thing is it prints to PDF fineit wont upload to Web.
In reply to The odd thing is it prints… by martinnewbold
Upload indeed requires an uncorrupted score, export to PDF or PR not does not
In reply to Upload indeed requires an… by Jojo-Schmitz
Well, I want to know if I should ditch as it didn't happen before in 3.0 and if it corrupted the file as there is nothing I can seem to do to adjust this to remove these red areas, especially without a repair program working. If I ditch from my system and go back to 3.0 will this fix this or just say it can't read the file?
In reply to Well, I want to know if I… by martinnewbold
The import of the MusicXML goes horribly bad in Mu3 too.
So no, it is not 4.5.1's fault, it is just a very bad MusicXML.
In reply to Upload indeed requires an… by Jojo-Schmitz
IN version 3.00 S why is it foobar in laest verion
In reply to IN version 3.00 S why is it… by martinnewbold
3.0 is antediluvian. I tried with 3.6.2 and there it is a holy mess.
I actually have serious doubts that 3.0 opens it cleanly, but don't have that version to test...