Missing View > Instruments in version 4.5.1
I can't find how to open the Instruments panel in the top menu bar. It can still be accessed via the 'I' shortcut, but the Instruments panel is apparently gone, and the View > Instruments option has disappeared. Is this a bug or an intended change?
F7 Layout, see: https://handbook.musescore.org/basics/setting-up-your-score#changing-in…
I believe it's now called the "Layout" panel. Do you see menu options for that?
In reply to I believe it's now called… by TheHutch
I can see it. Thank you for the reply. It is for me less intuitive, but I suppose there are good reasons for this naming change.
In reply to I believe it's now called… by TheHutch
Someone should really suggest a new name for that. So confusing, two Layout option, one for a panel and one for the Layout menu.
In reply to Someone should really… by Henk De Groot