Extracting chop sheet from lead sheet

• Nov 4, 2014 - 21:30


I've mastered basic lead sheets (melody w/labeled chords on top). Now I want to extract JUST the chords (in slash notation) to give to a bass player. Is there an existing way to do this, or would I have to duplicate the score, then go in and do the slash plugin stuff, erasing all the melody? Ideally, both sheets would link to a SINGLE piece of score date.




You could hide the melody, stave lines etc by making them invisible. AFAIK it will take several operations:

Ctrl + A to select all, F8 to bring up the Inspector and click "set invisible". Right clicking on the stave and selecting "stave properties" brings up a box with an option to make the stave lines invisible. Other stray bits like clefs, slurs and so on can be selected (R click and choose 'select similar' if there are several) and visibility toggles by hitting 'v'.

I haven't seen a lead sheet so Ctrl+A might delete the chords as well, but it would be easy to make them visible again with 'select similar'.

There may be a better way, though!

In reply to by Brer Fox

Thanks! I would like to know how to reliably bring up the inspector.

On Mac 10.7 Macbook Pro 2011 machine, ctrl+a highlights all bars in the melody staff (not the chords), but fn+ brings nothing up, so I tried various other things. Ctrl+click brings up attached screen shot. I have seen "set invisible" before so I've managed to bring it up on other occasions, but not now.

FWIW a frustration I've had: Sometimes when I am attempting to select something (i.e. an individual note vs an individual bar or vice versa) I have some trouble getting it to pick the item I want. Perhaps something similar is causing problems here?


In reply to by belinda.thom

Inspector comes up when you use the menu or shortcut to bring it up. Then I'd recommend just leaving it up forever. If nothing selected, it will kust be empty except for the text "Nothing selected", but it will still be there. It doesn't magically appear and disappear as you select things.

In reply to by belinda.thom

If I find it difficult to select what I want, I zoom in on the page so that there is more room to place the cursor accurately.

Visibility: Right-click (or Mac equivalent) on an empty part of the bar, select 'stave properties' and set to stemless, invisible. The stave lines will show as grey, or if you want to see the printed effect, uncheck 'show Invisible' in the Display menu.

You can then work through the rest as described above, selecting a note/rest/slur/clef or whatever, then R click, 'select similar elements', move the cursor back to one of the highlighted items, R click and 'set invisible'.

Turn off bar numbers in Create > General Style > Numbers.

Will this produce what you want?

Is there a reason you don't want the bassist to see the melody? If you already have the lead sheet, removing the melody seems like unnecessary work to me. Anyhow, no, I don't know a way to have two different parts share the same set of chords. You'd need to make copies and changing the notes to slash manually.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

At some contra and square dances, I've seen a separate chop sheet w/just chords. I think part of the reason was ABC had dinky default chord names, and if someone's sitting in and doesn't know the material and they're just providing rhythm or bass (and the chords are hard to see in the original context where melody and chords existed) this is easier to follow at first read. Also, at a Farmer's Market or some such, its easier to read.

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