Problem with changing note duration

• Nov 7, 2014 - 04:20

Is there a setting or some way I can make Muse Score less actively "intelligent"?

I can't change a note's duration without scrambling everything that comes after it. The last thing I want is for the software to make choices for me. Highlight the problems is helpful. Making editing decisions for me is the opposite of helpful.

First Example: You want to shorten a note's duration.
Please do not replace that time with a rest. Keep what I entered "stuck together". If I want a rest, I'll put it there myself.

Second Example: You decide ato lengthen a note's duration.
The absolute LAST thing I want to happen is for every other note in the measure to suddenly be shortened. And yet this is what happens.

Yes - I am aware that I now have too much time in the measure. Please let me be the one to edit it. Sure - Highlight it so I can see it's there. Maybe even refuse to playback until I fix it. But don't make editing choices for me.


MuseScore does *not* make choices for you. Quite the contrary. If you enter a note on beat 2 of a measure, MuseScore *will not move it* unless you ask it to. So if you try to lengfthen or shorten a note on beat 1, that note on beat 2 *will not move* to any other beat. It remains on beat 2, right where you entered it, until *you* give MuseScore the explicit command to move it. If MuseScore tried to move that note to another beat just because you lengthened or shortened some other note, then it *would* be making chocies for you, and it does *not* do that. If you want to move the note form beat 2 to some other beat, then simply do it yourself - using copy/cut/paste to tell MuseScore exactly which note or notes you wish to move and where you want to move them to. MuseScore cannot read your mind and will not simply guess or make a chocie for you. You make the choice. not MuseScore - you tell it how many notes you want to move and where you want to move them to.

It takes a minute to get to used to this method of working, but once you do, it's extremely simple, intuitive, and powerful.

In reply to by drakonte

Not sure what you mean. Increasing a note duration is done simply by clicking the note then selecting the duration you want. Cut and paste is not needed to increase duration; it's how you move notes later in time, which is something you might or might not want to do in conjunction with increase the duration of a note. And you only cut "the rest of the score" if you want to move all notes in the rest of the score. If you want to move one note, cut one note. If you want to move seven notes, then cut seven notes. Or if you don't need to move anything then don't cut anything. Whatever notes you want to move, cut that. Yes, it makes perfect sense.

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