One question

• Nov 18, 2014 - 11:56

Great ! but this problem still exists.



Not the slightest problem!


- Begin to display the Inspector (F8) -> select the D and F eighth notes -> change the note head type by selecting Half value
note head type.jpg

Result: the D are overlapped and the F is in half note, like wished.


Attachment Size
note head type.jpg 29.48 KB
result.jpg 23.17 KB

In reply to by cadiz1

Also note that "Behind Bars" by Elaine Gould which is regarded as a reference in term of music notation best practices specifically mention (p52) : "Semibreves, minim and black noteheads should be kept separate from each other". This is exactly what MuseScore does by default.

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

And Elaine Gould adds in "Behind Bars" (p307, unisons): " It is an accepted keyboard (and harp) convention - and we can undoubtedly add the guitar, other polyphonic instrument - that notes of unequal duration may share a notehead in the context of repeated patterns. The shared notehead saves space, especially when one or both parts had dotted notes. A minim can double as a beamed note. A dotted note and a note without a dot may share a dotted notehead. " -;)

Just look at some guitar publications to find that this practice (this convention) is the most widespread, and far ; I would say almost exclusively.

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