Suggestion for value incrementers

• Nov 19, 2014 - 16:09

I don't know what the name of this functionality is but the entry boxes for numerical values have tiny up and down arrows that will increment/decrement the value when pressed.

Typically they move in steps of 1.0 but some do not.

The "Tuning Offset" value moves in steps of 10 cents

I would imagine that someone using that is probably tuning for just intonation or some other temperament scheme. Those changes tend to be less than 20 and are often single digits. If this value incremented in 1s instead of 10s that would be a more convenient.

On the other hand, the "Page fill threshold" increments in 1s. I think that is an adjustment that tends to larger amounts when you need to do it at all. An increment value of 5 or 10 would seem more appropriate there.

BTW, I can't find "Page fill threshold" in v2. It doesn't seem to exist in the Style>General>Page panel as it did in v1.3


The amount of increments for the spinboxes is something that is open for discussion and easy to change, but I have no real insight into those particular settings. Tuning I never use, and page fill threshold, as you mention, has gone away.

Page fill in 2.0 builds is no longer limited to an all-or-nothing affair, so there is no more simple threshold to control it. Instead, there is the more flexible minimum and maximum system distance settings. That way, some amount of extra system space can be applied even for pages where you don't want the page to be filled out completely. You specify the minimum and maximum amount of space you want to see between systems, MuseScore takes care of the rest.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Crazy idea...

What if all these default increment values were user-configurable? Then you wouldn't have to decide what is best for everyone.

The values could all be read in from a text-editable file at start-up OR...

Default values could be assigned in the code as they appear to be now but at start-up time an XML file is read in that contains tag pairs for each spinnable values.

Normally the file would contain only empty tag pairs for every parameter but if the user inserted a value into one of them like this


that value would be read in and applied as the new increment. (I used brackets because the regular tag signs didn't show)

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