Bells do not seem to operate

• Dec 17, 2014 - 19:00


I am running Musescore v1.3, and a song I am composing needs a certain bell sound.

Fortunately, there are 2 bell sounds under the Unpitched Percussion: Bells and Bell Plate. I add the instruments to my score, but I cannot seem to play these instruments. In fact, they seem to have one- line percussion staves that do not allow me to put any notes on them! They don't accept anything.

Do these instruments actually work? If so, how can I use them???

Someone please advise...


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz


Thanks for the response/suggestions.

My problem, unfortunately, isn't lack of knowledge of the Drums palette.

My problem is that apparently there is nothing in the Drums palette.

I select the Drums palette, and it is completely empty, as illustrated in the attached file.

This is why I am asking about how to use Bells. For some reason there is nothing in the Drums palette, and none of the other notes will work with that one- line Bells percussion staff.

So: is there something I need to do to get the Drums palette working? Or is this a bug I need to report in this version of the software?

Attachment Size
Drums.JPG 17.82 KB

If you want to enter notes (pitches) use Pitched Percussion when selecting your instrument. This way, you'll get a staff upon which to place notes, instead of the single line used for Unpitched Percussion.


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