Discard Score After Opening

• Dec 20, 2014 - 15:09

When I open scores from MuseScore Connect and then try to close them I always have to click the Discard button. Why do they open as changed rather than just opening as is? I haven't changed anything in them. I often scroll through multiple scores for a song (e.g., Silent Night). When I try to exit MuseScore I have to then click Discard 30 times to get out (because I can't just press the D key for Discard it seems). Any suggestions for this? There must be a better way to "close all w/o saving" option somewhere?



And let me add to my own question. Sometimes when I try to open a new score from Connect I have to Discard a previous one. Sometimes they just open in a "row" without any issues. I think it's when I got back in the list in Connect to pick a score. That's when it tries to insert one in the viewing panel over another one that has to be discarded. This is a pain as well. It should just open. Thoughts? Suggestions?


I agree, scores opened from Connect should probably have not been marked "dirty". But it seems Connect is going away for 2.0, so I guess it's moot.

In reply to by rcbjr2

To be clear - there is no "beta 2" yet. There is "MuseScore 2.0 Beta 1" the first beta release of MuseScore 2.0. There have been hundreds of "nightly builds" since then (more than one per day, usually - each bug fix gets its own build). There will then be a second beta release - a "Beta 2" - soon. And it's in the most recent nightly builds and upcoming Beta 2 that Connect is removed.

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