Dotted whole rest in 12/8

• Jan 23, 2010 - 18:01


In 12/8, if one has to alter the rest structure in a bar of rest, once the structure has been changed from the initial set-up, using a whole rest does not work properly. One has to make it a dotted whole rest.


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12/8 has more than four beats in it so the behavior you are seeing is correct.

To easily get back to a full-measure rest, click on an empty part of the measure to select it and press Del.

In reply to by David Bolton

My understanding is that a whole rest means the whole bar, regardless of meter, thereby making the dot redundant. This seems to be the method MuseScore uses, as witness, build a new score in 12/8 time, any instrument, key etc. and the score opens , not with dotted whole notes but whole notes.


In reply to by xavierjazz

This is sort of true. However a whole rest is a little ambiguous for measures that are longer than 4 beats. Generally if it is centered in the middle of the measure than it is a full measure rest. If it is left-aligned then it is four beats.

Sometimes I have seen double-whole-note (breve) rests used as whole measure rests in time signatures such as 4/2. Either way it is obvious from the context whether a full measure rest is intended (it is the only thing in the measure) or a 4 beat rest (other notes or rests in the measure).

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