Move voices/staves with mouse

• Dec 30, 2014 - 11:23
S5 - Suggestion

In der Beta 1-Version konnte man die einzelnen Stimen in der Partitur mit der Maus verschieben und so problemlos die Abstände anpassen. Da das in Version 1.3 nicht möglich war, hat mich das sehr gefreut. Allerdings ist das jetzt in der Beta 2-Version nicht mehr möglich.
Wieder abgeschafft? Fehler?

LG Makoma


(attempt at an) English translation (the issue tracker is all English ;-)):
In Beta 1 it was possible to move single voices in a score with the mouse and that way adjust distances quite easily. This wasn't possible in 1.3, so I was happy to see it in beta 1.
But now in Beta 2 this doesn't seem to be possible anymore.
Got it disabled? Was it a bug?

Well, neither the German text nor my translation helps me to understand exactly what you are talking about. Do you mean the distance of instruments resp. their staves (Notenzeilen) rather than voices (Stimmen)? "Instruments" like human voices maybe, Alto, Soprano etc.?

I seem to remember that in beta 1 it was indeed possible to grab a stave and move it via mouse (and I found it quite annoying, as I frequently did it by accident), this indeed doesn't seem possibly anymore. I don't remember, however, whether this was a deliberate change.
You can still use the spacers to increase the distance between two individual staves or systems, to decrease you can only do it globally (i.e. for all staves/systems of the score) in the Style/General.../Page settings.

It is always possible to adjust distances of staves with the mouse, but it has been made a change there is a few weeks (around mid-November) : you should now use the Shift key for this function, to avoid precisely these adjustments by accident.
So, now, it's: Shift + mouse.
Before grab and drag, think to click on an empty space of the staff.

Let's wait a little while so that the user has the time to read the reply. Otherwise, it will not know where is his request!

Status (old) active fixed

close != delete, and also each reply triggers an email ;-)
Anyway, marked 'fixed' so it'll close itself after 14 days of inactivity...