What did I do wrong...

• Jan 11, 2015 - 05:54

Hi! I'm new. :-) I just manually recreated some sheet music (so that I can make a file to import to GarageBand) but I must have done something wrong because it's not repeating where it should repeat. I'm wondering if someone might be able to look at the original version and my musescore version and tell me what I did wrong...? I'd really appreciate it. Thanks! BTW the song is Merry Happy by Kate Nash. :-)


With 1.3? 2.0 Beta 2 or Nightly? On what operating system?
You can attach your score here (file attachments) and someone will check it.
Welcome and ... Buona musica.

In reply to by Shoichi

Sorry for the delay coming back, this site doesn't tell me when I have a reply! Anyway I'm going through both versions... the one I bought can actually play itself online, so I'm going through playing it and playing mine... OK one at a time... at the end of measure 28 it says DS al Coda but it doesn't go back and repeat... it goes to the beginning of the song instead. I see I didn't insert the double lines like is in the original so I did that but it didn't seem to make a difference. Oh now I just got myself lost again. lol. But there's the first place to fix...

In reply to by manicpixie

Hmm, first, you *should* normally get notification when someone replies to a thread you posted in. Might have gone to your spam folder, I guess.

I don't know what you mean about "both versions" or "the one I bought" - versions of what? There is no version of MuseScore that needs to be bought - it's always free. Different versions the sheet music you are trying to copy, maybe?

Anyhow, you have placed the segno on the first measure of the song, so of course when you use DS", it goes back to the first bar. If you want it to go somewhere else, then you need to place the sign where you want it to go.

But you also have mismatched repeats. Each closing repeat needs to have one clear opening repeat to go back to. The closing repeat in measure 28 doesn't have a corresponding open repeat, so MuseScore has no idea what you mean. This isn't some arbitrary limitation of MuseScore; it would be the same for a human musician reading trhe score. Repeats must be evenly matched, or no one will understand where to go.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Oh hey, I got notified! :-)
The version I bought online to base the version I recreated in musescore. The website for sheet music has some little program where it will play through the music for you online, so I compare how that sounds, to what I made.
I'm just trying to make it exactly like the sheet music I bought, but I'm not quite sure what I missed or did wrong.
I'm not sure what a closing and opening repeat is. I noticed I forgot the double lines, so I put that in, but it didn't seem to make a difference with playback.

In reply to by manicpixie

Repeat signs are what you are calling "double lines",. The version with the dots to the right is an "open repeat" aka "start repeat"; the version with the two dots on the right is the "clsoe repeat" aka "end repeat". These have to match - when MuseScore or a human musician reaches an end repeat, they start looking backward to find the nearest start repeat and go back there. You had a an end repeat at measure 28 with nowhere to go back to. Plus as I also mentioned, your segno (the "S" with a slash through it) is in the wrong place. You have it measure 1, but if you want the "DS" to jump to measure 5, then you need to place in in measure 5.

I would suggest you find a book or web site to explain the basics of music notation so you will understand how these symbols are supposed to work; that should help you figure things like this out.

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