General (Musescore) Housekeeping - what do you do?

• Feb 1, 2015 - 13:12

On my computer I have MS 1.3; Beta 2; and various Nightlies etc.

So is it now ok to delete all versions of the programme EXCEPT the latest nightly?

Where do the rest of you store each new score? I know that sounds a bit crass but where is the best place? A folder that is called SCORES? I did start to keep each new score in the folder that held the 'latest' programme but that didn't seem a good idea....

I love Musescore and have the utmost respect for the MScore Elves who work tirelessly (and without pay!!!) to constantly improve it. I am also appalled that some peeps come here and seemingly 'demand' improvements that 'they' want. Rant over, I'll go back in my box nurse.


You can delete all unpacked nightlies but the latest
you may want to keep the packed nightlies, in case you created a score qwith it that a later one can't read.
No reason to delete (or rather uninstall) 1.3 or 2.0 Beta 2. The later should get replaces with Beta 3 or RC or the finale version, whatever the next 'official' and installable version might be.

I have all my 1.3 scores in one folder, all 2.0 scores in another, and separated from the folders these use in their installation. Also sync them with a cloud service, my website and some thump drive and SD card, for backup purposes.

If you have scores you created with 1.3, I'd recommend keeping it. Certainly until the release of 2.0, and if not inconvenient, going forward until all your 1.3 scores have been loaded into 2.0, examined for discrepancies, fixed up, and resaved.

As for organization, I am incredibly *not* organized right now. I have my 1.3 scores on one computer in a "MuseScore" filder (with subfolders I created for different types of scores). I have 2.0 scores scattered amongst three different computers, and in two different folders trees - some in MuseScoreDevelopment and some in MuseScore2. I plan to clean up after the release of 2.0, when I'm sure there won't be further changes. I will probably use Google Drive or BitTorrent Sync to keep things synced between computers. I rather like SugarSync and use it successfully on my Windows computer and iOS devices, but they still have no Linux client so I'll be giving up on them.

If you have a lot of files then split them into folders.

I have a folder called Music which currently contains 8805 items (not including hidden files). An item might be a PDF file of a whole conductor's score for a musical or it might just be a little JPEG of a trill or something to add to a piece by Bach or it might be a MuseScore file. Of those items, 883 have the extension .mscz and 220 .mscx.

I have them split into subfolders such as Piano, Violin, "Musicals and Movies". There is also a subfolder called "By Composer" which has its own subfolders from Albinoni through Mozart to Williams (John).

I haven't bothered to separate them into 1.3 and 2.0 files trusting that I can always dig up an olde verion of MS if I have trouble opening one in the future and also trusting that the current format in 2.0 Beta will hold for 2.0 final release (more or less). time will tell if I'm too trusting or not.

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