Weird font resizing when I try to print

• Feb 23, 2010 - 09:02


I haven't had this problem before, so maybe my file got corrupted in a weird way, but I'm going to post anyway. Every time I try to print to my printer, the font is made really small. But when I try to print to PDF or XPS, the font is made really big. Either way, the font size changes drastically when I try to print my music. Recently, I tried resizing my data partition, and it froze half way through which caused me to lose half my work. So perhaps a bit or two got flipped the wrong way.

I've attached the file that's giving me the problems.


Attachment Size
Canon.mscz 5.01 KB


This is a known problem that happens when you print using a printer other than your default. As a workaround you can set the printer you plan you use as your default printer before you open MuseScore. If you still want to save as PDF use File > Save instead.

For the full details see:
#2736: Enlarged text when printing

In reply to by David Bolton

Thanks! I had forgotten that you can simply save to PDF (as well as a bunch of other formats!) That's interesting with the printer though. I had just installed another printer, and naturally, it claimed the "default" printer title behind my back, and I didn't realize this until I tried to print and nothing came out (of the other printer that is).

In reply to by David Bolton

I am setting up and printing some choral scores, and am thrilled with the way Musescore performs, and the range of facilities it has.. One SATB + piano score I have just completed (single page fortunately!) has three verses, so three lines of lyrics between each stave. I had it all arranged perfectly, and pressed the button to print. My printer is a Lexmark X4950 and is the only printer connected. The music looked superb, but the lyrics had printed out at about 2 pt in size. Also, the screen display had suffered in the same way. though highlighting some of the affected text said it was still 10.98 pt.
I re-loaded the file, and that appeared to have been similarly corrupted, though I had not saved it after printing. I tried every possible setting I could find to restore the situation, and in the end, I deleted all the lyrics and re-did them.
After a lot of fiddling, I decided to terminate Musescore and re-start it - amazingly, all seemed to have returned to normal. This time, I did save it as a PDF file, with no problem.
One related problem is that it does not appear to be possible to select more than one syllable at a time (e.g. to copy and paste it). I have been unable to find a solution in the manual, and would appreciate your comments please.

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

I have tried what you suggested, and you are right on both counts - you can in fact select a whole line of lyrics, and you can delete the whole line either with the DEL button or with Ctrl X, but there doesn't seem to be a means of pasting it ,even if you create an empty stave with a note in it.
I have also discovered that you select a stave of music in the normal way, when you paste it, it takes all the associated text with it - even 2 or 3 verses. You can then delete part or all of the corresponding music, but you must do it one note at a time, leaving a line of rests with the same values as the missing notes, otherwise you end up losing some or all of the text. Fascinating!! - maybe it will be of use to somebody?
Best wishes, and thank you.

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