Adding 2nd Volta to the same measure as the Prima Volta

• Feb 6, 2015 - 21:12

Is it possible to add a 2nd volta to the same measure as the prima volta? The only difference between them are the chords (see below).

I was able to add a second volta, but had to add the chord symbols using System Text.

I apologize in advance if anyone is offended i.e. if "volta stacking" is considered bad form, I'm a new music/piano student.




In reply to by Shoichi

Thanks for responding! I successfully loaded fracchords_0.xml with the result below. It changed the chord formatting slightly, although I lost the flat symbol. I loaded the new style and then removed both voltas and then added them back with the same result (i.e. I had to monkey with adding chords to the second volta and the second volta is skipped in playback.)

I'm using Musescore 2 if that makes a difference.


Realistically, no, that is not kosher to have the endings stacked like that. I'm sure someone somewhere in the world has written out a chart like that, but it's not standard, and would just confuse musicians asked to read it.

But FWIW, adding a second line of chords in MuseScore 2.0 is very easy. Just click the note you want to add a second chord to and hit Ctrl+K again to add the second chord. At first they will overlap each other, but then you can move one or the other up using the arrow keys, the Inspector, or dragging. Or you can use the Inspector to assign it a different text style (like a custom one you create yourself in Style / Text that is the same as the regular chord symbol style but a different vertical offset.

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