Notating several percussion parts

• Feb 23, 2015 - 09:19

How can I produce something like in the attached picture? There are two percussion parts that each play several different instruments, and there is a single staff for each percussionist that changes between 1 and 4 lines throughout the score, as they switch between different combinations of instruments.

Attachment Size
percussion.jpg 1.62 MB


Use a "Drumset" instrument to get the multi-line staff. Create however many different configurations you need, then use "HIde empty staves" so only the one you are using at the time shows up.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

this doesn't really work, because when a player will need to switch instruments, the number of lines needed changes part way through a system.
It would be ok to have the same staff type along any given system for example I think, but when you hide the empty staffs, and start to adjust spacing etc, you cant predict what bars would need to be written on what combination of staves. in some places for example 4 lines are required only for a couple of bars, where as most of the previous and subsequent bars only need 3 lines

also if I have a seperate staff for each combination for each player, there is the issue of how do I hide all but one combination on the first page (all instruments should be on the first page, even if they are empty, but only two staffs for the percussionists)

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

This does not work either:

the redundant additional staffs are still present on the first page
the staffs do not line up accross a horizontal frame
even with a frame width of 0 spaces, the bars of each staff sit next to each other
a bar number/clef etc is displayed following the frame (even if set to invisible still offsets notes etc).

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