Portamento and glissando?

• Feb 26, 2015 - 12:56

Can someone describe how to enter a portamento or glissando into a score?



1. Enter the starting note.
2. Enter the ending note.
3. Click on the starting note.
4. In the Arpeggio & Glissando palette, double click on a gliss symbol.


In reply to by Shoichi

Noticed that I could apply a glissando to each note on a staff if they were for different voices. I had two-note chords in both the treble and bass staves and successfully applied the gliss. Then used Inspector to delete the text, but the text was missing in the Inspector for voice one on the bass staff, even though it was visible in the score. I then clicked on the anticlockwise two-headed arrow to the right of the Text box in the Inspector (whatever that arrow is called and used for!) and MuseScore crashed:


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MuseScore Crash.png 9.19 KB

In reply to by chen lung

Just to clarify, the initial problem was that the text "gliss." was shown on the score but not in the Inspector and therefore I couldn't delete it. After the crash I reloaded the score, selected the glissando and this time the text "gliss." was visible in the Inspector and I successfully deleted it. Consequently I'm not sure how repeatable this is.

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