Working Crescendos and Decrescendos

• Mar 5, 2015 - 02:03

This is really one of the only things I feel like Musescore is lacking feature wise. Most other softwares can do this so it has to be possible to do the programming.


They do work, and quite well.
Are you referring to their playback in 1.x, maybe? Then have a go at 2.0 Beta 2 or better a recent nightly build (or just wait another week or two for 2.0 RC)

I also need this as well, desperately. It would cut down on editing with third-party software.

Last time I tried using these markings, the volume of the channel doesn't change, but the velocity of any notes within the (de)crescendo does get affected. So a series of notes under a crescendo for example will increase in their key velocity (up to the maximum) with each note, but a long sustained note will not increase in loudness.

Has this changed in the upcoming release?

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