Cannot install 2.0 on Linux Mint 17

• Mar 25, 2015 - 17:49

I seem to be having a problem installing the latest version of Musescore on Linux Mint 17. For some reason, when I download from the software manager or even the download page, I get Musescore 1.3 instead. I've already followed the instructions here: here, which are the sames as the instructions for Ubuntu on the download page.

Does Musescore 2.0 simply not work with Linux Mint? Any help is greatly appreciated!


In reply to by macrobbair

Because I had no hitches and it worked for me in Wine without a hitch I don't know exactly what may be the issue with your installation.

If your Linux Mint installation is 64bit you may need to set up wine as a 32bit prefix the Arch wiki suggests how to:
I may have done this previously as I have installed a number of Windows games in WINE on my Desktop PC.

On my Debian Wheezy 7 32bit laptop I installed wine with the sudo apt-get install wine command and then double clicked on the Musecore download in the file manager and it installed and ran without a hitch.

Otherwise use the PPA for Ubuntu trusty 14.04 as Linux Mint 17.* is based on it

In reply to by robert leleu

I have now got wine to work - it was a matter of right clicking on the .exe file rather than left clicking. So I now have version musescore 2 on wine - but with no sound. Directly on mint I have musescore 1.3 which is what the software manager gives, I have tried installing musescore 2.0.1 long hand, I have managed to download it what next?

In reply to by James Brigham

I've just installed MuseScore-2.0.1.msi on my clean Debian Jessie 64-bit install using Wine

You need to install Musescore in Wine32

Enable multiarch and install wine32 (as root) //

# dpkg --add-architecture i386 && apt-get update && apt-get install wine32

Create a 32-bit Prefix (not as root) //

$ WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX=~/.win32 winecfg

Install the msi file with the msiexec command (not as root) //
You may need to cd /Downloads first

$ wine32 msiexec /i MuseScore-2.0.1.msi

I have had exactly the same problem nearly one year later, March 11th 2016. I use Linux Mint 17.3 Rosa 64-bit Cinnamon edition. I followed the same commands as flaffa:
INSTALLING: (run these commands from the terminal)
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mscore-ubuntu/mscore-stable
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install musescore

The result was MuseScore 1.3

However, about 10 hours later among my other updates in Update Manager was, lo and behold, MuseScore 2.0.2 revision f51dc11 Brilliant! Thank you very much, MuseScore!

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