Tremolo with next note in MuseScore?

• Apr 2, 2015 - 08:40

Thank you very much!
How to write this tremolo in MuseScore?


Hmm if I recall correctly that is an archaic engraving usage.

Is there are reason you wish to diverge from modern engraving practice of....


Other than the tremelo sign being the wrong slope for downward notes!

Should an issue be raised??

In reply to by McCabe Compositions

I would guess you have done 1 of 2 wrong things:

1. The note durations are not the same. (if you want it to show 1/2 notes, both notes start as 1/4 notes for example)
2. You are applying the wrong tremolo. You need to apply the tremolo with no line through it.

If you want something else, then please upload your score and explain what you want.

In reply to by Christian Yu

When you insert a tremolo between 2 notes, they must be the same duration and different pitches. Use the tremolo palette and chose a tremolo with no stem through it. If you want the notes to be the duration of a dotted 1/4 note, use 2 dotted 1/8 notes.

In reply to by Christian Yu

  1. Enter a dotted quarter note.
  2. Enter a second dotted quarter note.
  3. Select the first dotted quarter note (click on it, turns blue).
  4. Double click on a tremolo symbol (with no lines through the stem) in the palette.
  5. The duration will then change to a dotted half note tremolo.


If you absolutely must have it appear as two beamed, dotted minims it is possible but a bit of a faff:

1] Created a dotted sixteenth note, rest, rest, rest, next note, rest, rest, other notes
2] Beam the first note, three rests, second notes together
3] From Inspector, change the Note -> Head type to "Minim"
4] Make the rests invisible
5] Adjust the angle of the beam, add in your slur and any other markings
6] Select the whole measure, call up Inspector and click the "Rests" button
7] Set Horizontal offset to -3 (or thereabouts).

If you additionally want playback to resemble how it should actually sound then you can create the equivalent, modern tremolo in the second Voice. Set the first Voice not to Play and set the second Voice to Play but to be Invisible.

Attachment Size
Old_Tremelo.mscz 9.18 KB

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