Is it plan to provide again the "musescore connect" in V2.0 ?

• Apr 9, 2015 - 09:37

Is it plan to provide again the "musescore connect" in V2.0 ?

This feature was helpfull in V1.3 because you haven't to use the browser to find scores... And the sound was better inside musescore.
This feature is not any more provided in V2.0...

Is it plan to provide it again or another "quick and easy way" to find scores ?

Thanks for so good work


When you open musescore, you have the start center, on the right "online community", and it opens it ;)
you can reopen it with "View" -> "Start center"

you can search also a score in the search box that is just under the link of "online community"

In reply to by sweetbb

Sometimes features need to be scrapped and rethought. In the particular case of MuseScore Connect, the way it was technologically developed was a dead end. Unfortunately we didn't have resources left to rebuild it from scratch. So MuseScore Connect sits in the fridge for now, waiting to be revisited one day.

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