Musescore site no longer sends mails....

• May 5, 2010 - 13:36

from may 2d 13:00 I didn't receive any mail from the site.....


Hi Robert,

Thanks for reporting this issue. I can't however reproduce the problem. For me, all my mails are arriving: subscription, contact, new password mails. I'll send you a message via your contact form to test.

In reply to by Thomas

I myself sent you a mail via your contact.....

I confirm that I did not receive the emails you sent via my contact....

So the situation is that for some reason the Musescore site no longer send me any mail.

This happened some 6 months ago, but for several persons.....somenone of the staff solved the problem

In reply to by Thomas

I changed my address: and saw the advice:

* A confirmation email has been sent to your new email address. You must follow the link provided in that email within 24 hours in order to confirm the change to your account email address.
* The changes have been saved.

but I did not receive this confirmation mail.
I checked that a mail I sent myself to this address is delivered

So it looks as if no longer sends mails to me, whichever the address....

I'll wait 24 hours

Meanwhile I activated the RSS (which is not so convenient as mails, in my opinion)

Perhaps I'll try to subscribe with another identity.....

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