Different barlines at the end of a score

• Apr 19, 2015 - 13:34

I have a question, maybe one of you could had the same problem.
I have a 4-voices score (it is a canon, so I have 4 unclassified voices). At the end it, I want to place different barlines: At the end of voice 1, voice 2 and voice 3 I should place normal barline, and at the end of the fourth voice I want to place the repeat symbol ( :|| ).
In the example I attached to this message, I resolved by means of hiding barlines at the last measure for the voices one and two, but I would like to keep a normal barline instead of making it invisible. Is it possible to do?
Thank you!

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Canone.pdf 14.68 KB
Canone.mscz 12.71 KB


You could experiment with placing barline symbols from the Symbols ("Z") palette. Not sure it would be simpe to get the layout just right. Maybe someone else has a better idea?

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