Orchestral percussionists, what do your parts usually look like? How many lines in the staff?

• Apr 24, 2015 - 00:54

How many lines in the staff? And how many instruments combined on one part? The question arises because we're trying to create new templates for future MuseScore releases. See discussions at https://musescore.org/en/node/53891#comment-265616 and https://musescore.org/en/node/57256.


That's not the question I was trying to ask :-). There is no doubt at all that one-line staves are the norm for orchestral percussion. The question was about the number of such one-lone staves. Obviously, some scores call for none. Others require only a single percussion staff. Others require two or more. So the question is, what would be a good "average" number to include in the "modern orchestra" template. I'm thinking one or two.

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