Few basic questions by a newbie

• May 27, 2010 - 13:37

A couple of very basic questions couldn´t find easily in the documentation:

MuseScore seems a very useful tool, I downloaded it and a made a couple of very basic demos. Just few irritating things appeared, which may because the lack of my skills and not because of the shortcomings of the software: 1) playback position and 2) selection of the part/bar/note. First impression was that selection of certain part (one measure or note) can be sometimes a bit tricky, you don´t know where to put cursor and in the menu there´s just "select all" option) , and on the other hand I didn´t find the option how to define the part (bar/s) which the playback repeats automatically (this is what you often need when writing/polishing some part).
The third thing is a question concerning the interaction between sequencers, is there any? Is it possible to integrate the use of MuseScore with e.g. the Live 8 in the way that the MIDI data recorded in the Live could be read in the MuseScore and other way round? H


I believe you are asking if you can loop a part for the sequencer so that you can hear it numerous times. The sequencer is not set up to do this, but you could put in temporary repeats around the part you want to loop and then remove them when you are done.

In reply to by xavierjazz

It would be very helpful if you told, not only that you can, but also how - and without just refering to the manual etc.

What about the integration with the sequencer?


In reply to by Harry

The manual is very helpful. See Bar line

To add a repeat barline, you can open the repeats palette and drag and drop a repeat barline to the score. Just try it.
To remove the repeat barline, select it and press Del.

To select a measure, you indeed need to click on empty part of the measure, if it's too hard you can zoom the score with you mouse wheel + Ctrl or using Ctrl + +.

Your question about coupling with a sequencer is not clear for me. What I can answer, there is no MIDI out in MuseScore. The only way to have MIDI is jack MIDI and it's experimental for the future 0.9.6 version. Regarding coupling the output of a sequencer to MuseScore, it's not possible neither. You can' use a MIDI keyboard to enter pitches in MuseScore but there is not way to enter the rythm in real time. So no real time integration. I'm curious about your use case regarding this feature.

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

Thank you very much for the quick reply and the advice, it helped my forward in these
questions - the non-integration to the sequencer was as dissapointment.
But let me oppose a little bit your header "The manual is very helpful".
I don´t know is it me or the manuals (in generally, not just this one), but
manuals are one of the most frustrating things in the world - usually you don´t find
the answer easily or not at all from the manual - that´s why I prefer tutorial videos (MuseScore has 4 of them but in the very basic level) besides the written manual - this is a perfect combination in most of the cases.
Example:Now I try to find out how to define the repeat times. Page 28 on the MuseScore Manual tells that
"In the last measure of a repeat you can set the property "Repeat Count" to
define the number of played repeats."
But HOW? Why can´t the manual tell which menu etc. to use?
Property is supposed to be a hyper link to the additional help but it doesn´t lead anywhere.
Going to the online manual,"property" won´t give any results but "repeat count" says:
of a repeat you can set the property "Repeat Count" to define the number of played repeats. Text ... The start and end of simple repeats can be defined by setting appropriate bar lines . For instructions on first and second ending measures...
to save and reload the score before the measure numbers show the change. Repeat count If the measure is the end of a repeat you can define how often the repeat should be played. Break multi ... An "irregular" measure is not counted in the measure numbering. Normally a pickup measure is marked ..."
It must be me - but afterall these "instructions" I still don´t know how to set played repeats - not after spending decent time (a couple of hours) with this question. How, please tell me? (this is a question).
There´s an example why I - although the manual (may be) helpful for some - I have to very often turn to these kind of forums , reveal my very limed ability to read manual and beg the help.
(Thank you your kind help in beforehand, once again.)

In reply to by Harry

Often taking a moment to understand the structure of the information presented will help you find what you need. For example, "Repeat Count" appears as a subheading of "Properties". The introductory text for "Properties" sections gives specific instructions for getting to the dialog that shows "Repeat Count". The section is illustrated with the actual "measure properties" dialog that shows "Repeat Count".

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

Does "You can'" mean "You can" or "You can't"? The earlier sentence says the one cannot output MIDI from Musescore.

Further, are you asking how such a feature might be useful? It could be useful to be able to listen to a phrase a couple of times and decide to experiment and alter it. Multiple undos would be good (it may already be in the program).


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