can I place lyrics on top?

• Jun 5, 2010 - 11:19

First, i want to franks all musescore team for this excellent product!
And i want to ask a question. May I place lyrics on top (over stave) instead bottom? I know that i can move it one by one, but maybe musescore can do it automatically?


You can select several lyric syllables at once. To move the selected lyrics press and hold Ctrl while you drag them around with the mouse.

In reply to by crantisz

1) Right-click on any of lyric syllable
2) In the drop menu, choose "Select | All similar elements": all the lyrics of the score will be highlighted.
3) Keeping pressed the Ctrl key, drag any of the lyric syllable to the place where you like it: all the other syllables will move accordingly.

Caution: this will NOT remove the additional vertical space added below each staff.

(This works at least in RC1, I don't know which version you use).


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