Copying attributes complete with notes

• Jun 7, 2010 - 12:16


there is a little but uncomfortable bug. Sometimes I need to move or copy a selection of music. I can select notes and rests, but I can not select attributes of notes such accents, lines, ornaments, etc. These attributes I must create additionally and for moving delete the old ones. It would be good if there would be possibility to select completely notes with their attributes at least as option called by spetial shortkeys.

Thank you for your good work.


I agree! And it is not such a "little" bug (or better limitation), as it is very annoying and easily leads to errors while copying.

(I know this post has very little info in it, but it seemed to me unwise to let the topic to go unnoticed).


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Follow this:

1. Write few notes.
2. Add to one of them pp (pianissimo).
3. Add to some othe hairpin (crescendo).
4. Make some staff text (pizz).
5. Select it all.
6. Try copy and paste.

I think sometimes may be good to copy notes without additional attributes - for exaple if you make ostinat figure (you need not write pizzicato above each beginning of the figure). But if you need to move the motiv foreward or backward in time or copy it into other instrument as imitation, then you need have selected all attributes.

Good Bye

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