Multiple Single Lines
Hi all,
Brand new to the forum, and something of a nOoB at Musescore - please help!!! I'm in the process of writing a drum book that has lots of single entry lines per page. For example, check out this page:
Although, probably with only one column instead of two. Also, I need to add lots of text and comments. Is this possible in Musescore? If not, can anyone recommend a good music authoring program that can do drums?
MuseScore will probably do very well for the music engraving, I find it high quality and think that it will bve of great value to you. But if you want to do a fair;y complex layout, some sort of DTP program is probably needed as well. Then you'll be able to set up everything where you want it on the page with a program that's designed to do just that.
MuseScore could do it using Frame . But if you need a whole book, I guess it's better to rely on a DTP software as XavierJazz suggested.
Just a note, the weird round notehead with a slash in it is not possible in MuseScore. (And as a drummer I never saw this notation, and I'm always amazed by the creativity of drummers to notate things differently)
Thanks for the comments - I'll give the frames a try and let you know how it goes.