Lyric hypen disapears between notes

• Jun 30, 2010 - 16:23

OS: Ubuntu 10.04 - 20100630
MuseScore Version: 0.9.6 - 3145
QT Version: 4.6.2

When inserting lyrics, and one needs to skip a note to and move to the next note to the right, using the space bar, the hypen is removed. For example, 1/8 note, 1/8 note (lyric on first note, then hypen), 1/4 note (finish lyric on 1/4 note) by skipping over the middle 1/8 note, using the space bar the hypen disappears. Attached is a png and a ovg of the process in detail.

Bug solved. Used the arrow key to move over one rather than the space bar. Is this the "expected behavior" in this situation?


This is the intended behavior. Pressing the space bar adds a space (or replaces the hyphen).

Use arrow keys or mouse to move to a different syllable if you don't want to replace spaces or hyphens.

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