Whole bar rests

• Jun 1, 2015 - 10:51

Musescore automatically applies and centres whole bar rests in voice 1. But how does the user center the same whole bar rest in other voices. Surely the user is not expected to enter voice 2/3/4 rests manually and then adjust the offset for each case?

Isn't it the convention to use a centred semibreve rest for empty measures in all time signatures? How does the user acheive this in MuseScore?


It does that (using whole measure rests) in other voices too. Not sure why where you are seeing it differently? You can't enter a whole measure rest though, not even in voice 1.

I'll take it again from the top. According to Wikipedia :

When an entire bar is devoid of notes, a whole (semibreve) rest is used, regardless of the actual time signature.

So there needs to be some way for the user to enter a semibreve rest into a bar, even if it is not 4/4, for any empty voice. Secondly, this rest needs to be automatically centred as a program feature, rather than relying on the user to fiddling about with dragging or using offsets.

I am not sure that Musescore easily provides this facility.

In reply to by geetar

MuseScore will enter those rests for you, but as a user you can't enter them, you can only enter a whole rest, not a full measure rest.
Select measure, hit Del, and MuseScore will create a full measure rest in voice 1. Swap voice 1 and 2 and you'll have full measure rests in both.

In reply to by geetar

It's not that common to show the full measure rests for voices other than 1, but if you have a situation where it is called for, you *can* create them. Take an empty measure (well, containing a full measure rest in voice 1 only), Edit / Voices / Exchange Voice 1-2. This moves the original full measure rest to voice 2, and creates a new one in voice 1. You can then enter notes into voice 1. (oops, just as Jojo says above :-)

It's easy, but not easily discoverable to be sure. We do provide a command, Ctrl+Shift+Delete, to convert a series of rests into a full meassure rest if possible. It's mostly used to allow full measure rests in measures where the nominal and actual durations differ, and currently it simply deletes rests in voice 2. It could perhaps be modified to convert the voice 2 rests into full measures as well. But this command is not easily discoverable either.

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