Changing the drum set into a score

• Jun 6, 2015 - 02:50

Hi, Gang!!!

I want to know if there is a way to change the percussion drum set, available into the soundfonts we use, (for example: from the standard percussion set to the jazz persusion set to the powered percussion set, etc.) in one score.

In the sample I uploaded, I have 4 score systems, 4 measure each systems, and I want that the first system sounds like the standard drum set, then the second system should sound like the jazz drum set, the third system like the powered drum set and the last system return to sound like the standard drum set.

But... How can I get it? ???

I tried with the "Instrument" text option but there isn't any "Drum Set" option there.

Actually, the only one place I found a "Drum Set" option is inside the [Mixer] window, but the changes there are just for all the "piece" (not to a group of selected measures).

So... Any idea will be welcome.

Thanks a lot for your time!!!

God Bless You All!!!!!!!


Attachment Size
Percussion Test MuseScore 2.0.1.mscz 13.26 KB


The Instrument text should work. Adding the isntrument text creates a new mixer channel that is in effect starting at that point in the score. Then you can use the Mixer to change the channel for that entry only.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Yes!!! It works!!!

Thank you so much for your help!!!!!!!

I uploaded two files (one in english and the other in spanish) with the drum set change working so well (and with a text explanation to the beginners like me).

God bless you all, bros and sisters!!!!!!!


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