scores for little kids to read

• Jun 10, 2015 - 19:01


Am attaching a simple score I was hoping to use for beginning violin students who are little kids. With this score, I was able to make the staff much bigger (good for young ones) using Layout->Page Settings : Scaling, Staff Space of 3.65mm. Hopefully some others will find this beneficial. I sure did. It doesn't lie in the place I had first thought (Style->General, which also allows one to adjust individual spaces between staff lines; I suspect using the Layout->Page option behaves more "globally" in terms of making "everything including the note heads bigger" and is thus the better way to go?).

I wanted to label various lines of the staff, and used System->Text to do that. Originally it was placed above a selected note, but I was able to drag that text later over to the LHS, where it lends itself to the idea that it applies "to the entire line".

The remaining mystery is how to remove the key change prompts at the end of the line. For young kids, I don't even get into that ... rather each set of fingerings has the same pattern from string to string (which is why the key changes) and mastering that fingering should be their focus. I only put key signatures in for correctness. Is there a way to eliminate the key sig prompts that occur at the end of each line?

Thanks. I really love using Musescore and find the forum really helpful.


Attachment Size
Do_Re_Mi_and_Back_on_All_4_Strings.mscz 21.51 KB


The Style option never affects the space between staff lines, only the distance between staves. There is a Staff properties option to just make the spaces betwene staff lines larger for a single staff, but it affects only that staff, not the whole score, and nothing else scales accordingly. The "Staff space" in Page Settings is indeed what you want to to icnrease the overal size of everything.

BTW, you can also disable the courtesy key signatures score wide rather than one at a time in Style / General / Page.

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