I just begain using Musescore.....can some help me with somthing

• Jul 19, 2010 - 22:58

Ok i need a measure with 6 quarter notes, 3 of them need to be under a triplet line and so do the other three....every time i try it will not allow me to do this...what am i doing wrong?

if that didn't make sense basically i need a quarter note triplet, instead of the normal 8th note triplet....

i have a picture attached

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In reply to by FlaminPickles

In the first bar you will see a full bar rest.

1. In Edit mode, select the rest..
2. Click on the 1/2 note next to the quarter note on the tool bar.
3. That selects the duration, either for a note or a rest. The 1/4 rest you see on the tool bar just tells the program that you intend a rest instead of a note in specific circumstances.

If you are in edit mode, selecting the 1/2 note will break the whole rest into 2 halves. Select the first 1/2 rest and press ctrl-3.

If you haven't read the handbook (manual) it might be a good idea.


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