Ties between chords with unison notes are missing

• Jun 16, 2015 - 20:57

If you try to create a chord tie between two chords in the same voice which have unison notes, MuseScore only generates a tie for one member of the unison series. See attached file for examples.

There is a workaround for this and it is to make sure that unison notes are always in different voices. That way the ties are always generated. So perhaps it doesn't need fixing?

Attachment Size
ties_with_unison_notes.mscz 10.45 KB


See attached png. For some reason this issue also affects TAB on its own, even without a linked staff.

I have looked again at this issue and a workaround assigning unison notes to different voices doesn't work. It causes issues with overlapping note symbols that cannot be resolved even by hiding stems and beams etc. in the extra voice.

So I'd like to propose that this one be raised as an issue.

Attachment Size
tab_unison_ties.png 34.16 KB

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