Drumline Soundfont not working correctly..

• Jun 21, 2015 - 18:22

So I just recently downloaded the Mike Scorsch Drumline soundfont for Musescore 2. I put the DrumlineXtra.drm file in the templates folder, and the MikeScorschDrumline.sf2 & MikeScorschDrumLineXtra.sf2 files in the sound folder. I went and added the MikeScorschDrumlineXtra.sf2 in my Synthesizer. And it started working fine, but I took out the other soundfont that was in there, so only the drums were sounding. Upon adding the regular instruments' soundfont back in, the marching percussion sounds like a piano. This is a score I originally made in Musescore 1.3. Thoughts?


In reply to by Jaqchue

Scroll right to the bottom of the list.

The DrumlineXtra soundfont only has Marching Percussion sounds in it, so removing the default FLuidR3Mono soundfont would remove all other instruments.

If you want the Marching Percussion sounds to be first in the list, simply change the order of the soundfonts in the list by selecting it and using the up/dpwn buttons on the synthesiser page.

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