Voice 2 offset too far to the right in a 3-voice staff

• Jun 25, 2015 - 17:43

See the attached file.

In this particular piece, in bars where there are 3 voices, the 2nd (downstem) voice has been offset by default too far to the right. It should be aligned with voice 1.

Attachment Size
voice2_offset.mscz 13.77 KB


Well, it is actually the notes in voice 1 that are offset to the left, to give way to the seconds in voice 3. Or it is voice 3 not being offset to the right.
However, you can nudge those voice 2 notes to the left, to align properly, see attached

Attachment Size
voice2_offset.mscz 13.53 KB

The algortihm for offsetting voices strives to get 2-voice cases correct, as those rules are fairly standardized. But for 3-vocie cases, there is no one correct solution; it will be very situation-dependent. So it is inevitable that no matter what the defaults are, sometimes you will need to override them.

The rule being followed is, all upstem chord are treated and aligned together, as are all downstem chords. So if you want to voices to align, put them in voices with the same stem direction (or simnply flip the stems). In your case, you could move the voice 2 notes to voice 3 in the places you want them to align with voice 1. Although this would give you overlapping voices which would change the layout in a way you may or may not like, so chances are, you'd still want to do some manual adjustment.

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