Pickup measure in .mid file

• Jun 29, 2015 - 14:27

I got the attached pdf and mid files from Choral Public Domain Library (cpdl.org); they are the first movement of the Cherubini Requiem in C minor. When I open the mid file in MuseScore (2.0.1 or 1.3) it does not interpret the one-note pickup prior to measure 1. Instead, that note is included as part of measure 1 and all the measures are shifted by one beat.

This is my first mid import, so I don't know if this is expected behavior or not. The "Recognize pickup measure" box is checked in the MIDI import panel. Is there any way to quickly fix the MuseScore file so that the measures align with the pdf of the score?

Attachment Size
cher-re1.pdf 258.48 KB
cher-re1.mid 17.94 KB


[Ctrl]-a to select everything
[Ctrl]-x to Cut
Click on first measure and [Insert] a measure
Right-click on first measure and set Actual Duration to 1/4
Click on first rest (pickup) in the first strave
[Ctrl]-v to paste
[Ctrl]-x and [Ctrl]-v the Time Signature to the beginning
Optionally make the last measure 3/4

In reply to by underquark

Thanks! That worked great. I don't understand the last two instructions; I simply dragged the cut-time signature to the first measure to replace the 2/2 that was there (no effective change in playback). Also the last measure in the pdf is a full 4/4 so I didn't make any changes to it.

I appreciate the quick response. MuseScore is such a great program, and it's made even better by the wonderful help available here in the forum.

I wonder why that website hosts MIDI files but not MusicXML? Especially considering that they have Finale (!) files, but not MuseScore files.

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