Can't select note with mouse due to note-tail

• Jun 29, 2015 - 21:06

See attached file.

Try to click on the top note of the 1/8 note chords. The tail on the note makes it impossible to click on the note directly. It can, of course be selected indirectly by clicking on another note and using Alt + up arrow.

I wonder if this has been noticed before.

Attachment Size
cant_select_note.mscz 7.25 KB


In reply to by geetar

Yes, it is. Actually, what I meant by "I had no trouble with it at all" was "I had no trouble with it in 2.0.1"—it was basically only the top left quadrant of the note head that had the issue. But since #25260: Stems for flagged notes difficult to select, impossible to put into edit mode was fixed, the flag is basically positioned "behind" the note head instead of in front of it, so clicking anywhere on the note head will select the note and not the flag.

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