Horizontal frames - bugs?

• Jul 3, 2015 - 17:30

See attached file.

This is an excerpt but it shows the problems that were in the original file. The score is set to hide empty staff lines. (Play transposition has been set in the guitar staff to play it one whole tone higher than written to simulate a capo.)

(1) There is a big empty space on the first page. I'm not sure how it got there.

(2) Select bar 94. Insert a horizontal frame. Subsequent measures disappear.

(3) Select bar 90. Insert Horizontal frame. The staffs go out of alignment because it's at the end of a lyric line.

Attachment Size
hf_bugs.mscz 15.62 KB


1) The empty space is because you asked to hide empty staves, and there are some systems that are completely empty. You should wait until you are done entering notes before turning on "hide empty staves", and/or set at least one staff to "never hide" in staff properties.

2) Again, you asked for hide empty staves, and now you have a system that is complete empty. Horizontal frames actually split a system into two separate systems (which is why you get a new set of staff names, clefs, and key signatures)

3) Yes, again, you've actually created two separate systems by inserting the frame. That's a feature - it allows you to change staff configurations mid-"system". You can force it to keep the same alignment here by enter a dummy lyric (eg, ctrl_space, or anything at all and then mark it invisible).

1) That empty space is hiding all the empty staves, switch on multi-measure rest.
2) Same reason here, it hides empty staves
3) that is to be expected. But it does that even if using a melisma extending into it, this looks like a bug to me. Workaround: add a Ctrl+Space as a 'lyrics' to that last note

Edit, damn, too slow... ;-)

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