How to change the velocity form single notes?

• Jul 15, 2015 - 14:55

I have upgraded Musescore. With the older version you could select a singel note en then change te velocity. Now in 2.0.1 I can't find that option anymore
The only way to achieve it is bij using all dynamics. But then you get FFFF ppp all over the score.
How to solve this?


Solved it: You have to select the note or notes first, then navigate with the cursor to somewhere at the top of your screen. Then right click which gives a menu (for me in Dutch) where you have to click on "Instellingen" (probalbly "properties" in English) anyway, the second option. The you get the pallet where you can change velocity, colour and that kind a things.
Or pusf F8 or secect under view "properties"
Thanks Jojo !

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