playback not working

• Jul 15, 2015 - 15:18

Hello. Playback is not working for any score I created in the past few days or months as well as a brand new score. I'm running on a mac powerbook (retina mid 2012) lots of ram and hard drive space - yosemite 10.10.4
Using musescore 2.0.1.

Volume is all the way up in the playback panel, volume is up on the computer, i/o preferences are set correctly. I tried airplay as well as internal speakers as well as an external bose speaker. None working.
I restarted the computer. I followed the protocol for resetting to the default factory settings. Nothing.
When I do playback a score, the cursor follows along as if playing, but nothing is audible. When I try in add a single new note to the score, nothing is audible. Any advice?


When go go to View / Synthesizer, what soundfont(s) do you see loaded? And where the volume in that window?

You can try following the instructions under "Revert to factory settings" in the Handbook.

In reply to by vnvaco

I don't know Mac, but I know it is somewhat based on Unix, and as such might have some underlying things in common with the Ubuntu. So at risk of speaking nonsense:

On some/most Linux systems, MIDI playback goes through a separate subsystem even when rendered internally as it is with MuseScore, than ordinary audio, so it would not necessarily be unusual to have regular audio work but MIDI not. On my system, which is running Ubuntu within a chrooot environment under Chrome OS, I regularly have to diddle with the permissions on /dev/snd/seq to keep playback happy. I also have to make sure the pulseaudio syste, is happy. If either of these goes awry, the symptom can similar - regular audio works fine, MIDI (incuding MuseScore) does not (although with pulseaudio, normally either everything works or nothing does).

Just to be clear—if you're trying AirPlay, internal speakers, and an external speaker, in order to get sound you have to set your I/O preferences to match first and restart MuseScore before it will be set up to use whatever sound system you have set in System Preferences.

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