Lines spanning systems are too short on first system

• Jul 16, 2015 - 16:18

(Nightly: 096e59f). See attached file

The problem is in the dotted lines spanning bars 20-21 in the score. Although they have been properly applied (in continuous view) using shift + right arrow to extend and then adjusting the final length with ctrl + left-arrow, there is still a gap in the lines at the end of the first system.

There seems to be a mismatch in the appearance of the line between the continuous and page view.

Attachment Size
cutoff_lines.mscz 27.75 KB


Looks to me like you have applied a negative horizontal offset as well as dragged the right end point to the left. In other words, MuseScore is simply doing what you asked. Click a line and press Ctrl+R to see where it really would have ended had you not overriden it.

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