Problem with fingering offsets being reset

• Jul 17, 2015 - 10:37

There seems to be a bug which causes fingering number offsets to be cancelled and reset to default. This has happened again and again with one particular score. I was unable to trace the cause so cannot provide a demo score. However I have narrowed down the possibilities to:

* Fingering numbers that occur at notes/chords where there is another musical symbol, often an accidental or arpeggio.

* It may be related to this issue, arpeggio and strum offsets in TAB not saved .

* It may be related to this issue, issues with 8va hooks . Here, just opening the style > General window, then clicking "OK" caused a reversion to default.


If it helps, I can offer a little insight into some peculiarities of how fingering number positioning works - it is rather different from most other elements.

First, there are several different types of fingering element, as you probably have realized. Each type has its own associated text style that determines that I might call the "true" default - the position you see if the horizontal and vertical offsets in the Inspector are both set to 0. This position is calculated relative to the notehead.

Second, when you first apply a fingering element, there is an algorithm that tries to calculate an offset based on the context. This algorithm decides if it would be better to display the number above, below, or next to the note, based on things like whether this is a guitar or standard fingering, whether the note belongs to a chord, whether there are multiple voices, whether the note is beamed, etc. The algorithm was the best compromise reached after a long series of discussions during the beta phase last summer & fall (see for example Of course, it is not perfect, but it seemed to meet everyone's needs better than any alternative anyone could come up with. I will call the automatic position determined by this algorithm the "heuristic" default.

Third, unlike all other automatic positioning algorithms in MuseScore, this "heuristic" algorithm actually sets the "user" offset field rather than the "true" default, so you will see the results in the Inspector. That means you can actually go back to the "true" default by pressing the "reset" button next to the offset fields. Whereas Ctrl+R re-calculates and applies the "heuristic" default, as if you had just placed the symbol.

If you copy and paste a fingering element, there is also different behavior depending on context. Manual adjustments you applied above are preserved, but if you did not perform any manual adjustment, we do recalculate a new "heuristic" default on the paste. There's actually more to it than that, but that's the upshot. This too was the compromise reached after that long series of discussions.

No doubt there are cases where this doesn't all work exactly as it should and something is reset where it shouldn't be in some sort of unusual corner case, and maybe that's what you are running into. But it's also possible that you are simply being surprised by some aspect of these two different "defaults" that is actually normal/correct.

Here, FWIW, is a post from the aforementioned thread that summarizes the situation and provide a nice example:

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