multi mesure algorythm

• Jul 20, 2015 - 21:29

As Musescore 2.0.2 is out ;) YES !!! ;) Bravo to every one...

Could developper consider improving multimesure algorythm ?

Space of them could be
1 possibility ; defined by user with a "max" (in General setting) that could or not adapt to the part in witch it is (or for all parts)
2 possibility defined by the developper as it is the UNIQUE thing I regret from version 1.3 (but everything else is so much better)

That would make musescore being closer to perfection !!

Am I the only one to want it?
I know that isn't the best priority , but for poeple who use musescore for orchestral score it would be a lot of time winned with that. I think there are more and more "orchestrator" in the community that might be more usefull than we would think....

Thank you in advance


I think maybe he is reiterating his desire for #44596: new option for multimesure rest - a way to establish a maximum width for multimeasure rests.

Based on what I know of the layout algorithm, I could imagine this being easier to implement if it were expressed in terms of the number of measures rather than in spatium units, and I suspect people would happier for it too. That is, an optional say that after, say, 10 measures, multimeasure rests do not continue to get wider as they currently do.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Yes it is a lot of that, but "improving" with the idea of proportionnality that was evoqued in the discussion here : . Lasconic may i explain in french, and you could help me in English ?

En fait je m'etais immaginer que mussescore pourrait detecter le "maximum" de mesure d' "attente" de l'ensemble des musicien , et creer une sorte de proportionnalité pour les multimesure de pauses avec la proportionnalité entre le min d'espace utilisé dans l'option Style General pour le min de creation de multimesure de pause au meme endroit. et avec l'option max qui serait creer utiliserais le max pour ce qu'il aura detecté comme plus grande pause multimesure. après eventuellement reprendre l'idee de Marc pour creer un max en espace + en nombre de mesure, et en gros si le nombre de mesure a attendre depasse ce nombre on aurait le max en espace ainsi demandé.

Je sais pas si c'est plus clair , mais je peux creer une "fausse capture" d'écran pour montrer l'idée...

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