Importing midi, any way to reorganize the notes to appropriate places on the available clefs?

• Jul 21, 2015 - 05:13

Basically when I use musescore to open up the midi, it puts certain notes that should be in treble clef, all the way to bass clef, and vice versa, resulting in notes that are totally out of range because they're in the wrong clef.

I am trying to make Synthesia recognize two hands for this piece I have.

Any way to tell musescore to reassign notes to a different available clef if they're for example, a certain ledger line too much from their current clef?


Th options in the import panel give you some control over this, but I think something else must be going on if you are seeing notes "totally out of range". My guess is that is simply how the MIDI file was set up, and MuseScore is simply reportng it accurately. You'd have to post the actual MIDI file (see "File attachments" link below where you type) for us to be able to say much more.

In reply to by Bodhijesus

It is important to realize a MIDI file contains no information at all about hwich notes to place in which staff, or indeed about most other notational matters, and is really well suited for entering music notation. MuseScore *tries* to make smart decisions about which notes might be best in which staves, and it often works well, but not always, and this seems to be one of those cases. So the thing to do would be to disable the "smart" staff splitting by turning off the "Split staff" option in the import panel then pressing "Apply" to re-import the file. Then you can right click the staff and choose the "Split Staff" option there to split the staff after import, which uses a "dumb" algorithm that might happen to produce better results in this case.

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