Select All Similar Elements - Measure Number

• Jul 24, 2015 - 18:17

I notice with all my scores, if I select a measure number it shows "Measure Number" in Inspector. If I select a Measure Number then select All Similar Elements Inspector changes to Title text. Attached is a score for inspection.


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The Shadow Of Your Smile.mscz 24.08 KB


Measure numbers *are* text; just text with a specific Style. "Select All Similar" selects all text elements, and that includes some that are not measure numbers, including the title if present. In the case of selections with mixed values for any setting - including Style - Inspector has to pick one to show you the values of. It just so happens it picked the title, but iot could just as easily have chosen any other text element to use as the representative.

What is it you are actually trying to do here? My guess is, it would be better done through style options.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Well then, this isn't a constant. Rehearsal Marks and Lyrics are text. How come this behavior doesn't apply to them?

I had all my measure numbers toward the top ledger line of the staff. It interfered with the rehearsal marks so I changed their location a bit bellow the lower ledger line. I reset the Saved Style and reapplied the setting to all my scores. I noticed when I selected the Measure Number to All Similar Elements, Inspector showed Title as Text Style.

In reply to by rwmol

Rehearsal Marks and Lyrics are actually their own type, as are Staff Text, Chord Symbols, etc. Most types of text are actually different element types. The generic "Text" type is used only for measure numbers, titles, composers, other frame text, maybe a handful of other cases.

I'm still not compeltely clear on what you are doing, but to change the default position of measure numbers, use the Text Style. Otherwise, your changes will be preserved as the layout of your score changes. At no point in this process should you be needing to select all measure numbers. Just changing the style setting should auomtatically affect all elements with that style.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Perhaps I have a misunderstanding of the concept here. I guess I've been using Musescore for about a year and a half. I created a number of scores during those early times that weren't perfect but served their purpose. Over time I have perfected the template to my liking. I was under the impression if I applied the Saved Text Style (same as Template) to these old scores they would have the appearance of my newer ones. When I did apply the Loaded Text Style, it seamed to load the General Styles but not the Text Styles. Things like the Rehearsal Marks and Measure Numbers didn't change to the Style setting that were saved. I had to select them and use Inspector to make the change.

In reply to by rwmol

I thihnk you may be referring to the fact that when importing a score from 1.3 or earlier, text styles cannot be applied directly because the text has the 1.3 formatting "baked in". So you have to select the text and "Reset Text to Style" before text styles will take effect. But that's only for legacy scores, and in any event, once the text has been reset once, you don't have to do it again. After that - or always, for scores created in 2.0 - text style changes should take effect immediately.

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