Adding and subtracting measures

• Jul 25, 2015 - 21:02

There seems to be no provision to add extra bars to the score except by inserting. When I do this, it simply squashes more bars into the line, thereby producing a line with 9 or 10 bars or more. I want to maintain a strict 4 or 5 bars per line and I cant do it. Can you help please. I cant find an answer in the handbook.
D Godfrey


Sorry if I did not understand (I do not speak English).
Add/Bars/Append (Ctrl + Alt + Shift + B or B);
Edit/Tools/Add/Remove Line Breaks.
It should be the right way

When the measures are empty, way more than 4 or 5 will fit on a line, but as you fill them with notes, they space themselves automatically. If for some reason you'd like see the empty measures spaced out rather than waiting for it to happen naturally, then adding line breaks as suggested above will do the trick.

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